The Melanin Vegan Pasta



Pasta origins are somehow hard to define.  There are several stories, but the oldest starts around the 1200s. It was a reference to macaroni that was seen in Geona, Italy. However, this was just one of many stories that have been told over the years. If you look throughout time, you will see portraits and even pictures that include visual representations of this great dish. Suffice it to say, pasta is a popular meal from Italy that has become a staple around the world.

How are they made?

Pasta is a flour-based dish that has many different variations. The common ingredients are usually flour, eggs, oil, water, and salt. However, times have changed and there are some great vegan options out there as well. These recipes usually include flour, water, and salt. There are some recipes that also include olive oil as well.

Nutritional Value

Vegan pasta has protein and sugar as its nutritional base, however, depending on the items added during the creation process the nutritional value could change. It is important to note, that vegan pasta is approximately 180 calories where non-vegan pasta is about 200 calories per cup.


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